Oriental cat in mist

Decoding Cats, One Step at a Time

Wisdom's scientists are digging into the data to learn more about how a cat’s genetics contribute to their health and disease risk in the largest genetic survey of disorders in cats to date.
Scientific Research and Update to Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Reporting

Scientific Research and Update to Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Reporting

Read about Wisdom's and the Feline HCM working group’s findings on Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, and our subsequent update to HCM mode of inheritance in Wisdom Breeder reports. 
Breeder Toolkit and Reports Tab

Breeder Toolkit and Reports Tab

We’ve relocated and refreshed the downloadable full genetics report and created a new home for your reports, certificates and parentage analyses. Read on to learn how to use these new features!
Genetic Mutation Gives Cats a 'Salty Liquorice' Coat Colour

Genetic Mutation Gives Cats a 'Salty Liquorice' Coat Colour

See the newest cat coat pattern, “salty liquorice,” discovered by Wisdom Panel™ geneticist Heidi Anderson, PhD. Read on to learn more about this beautiful and unique pattern. 
Wisdom Panel™ Becomes the Official Testing Partner of TICA®

Wisdom Panel™ Becomes the Official Testing Partner of TICA®

Wisdom Panel ™ is honored to announce that we are now the official testing partner of The International Cat Association (TICA®), continuing a tradition of genetic health and research partnership begun in 2017. Read on...
MOOC course developed by the University of Helsinki

MOOC course developed by the University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki, in partnership with Wisdom Panel™ and others, has recently released a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled “Me and My Cat”. The course takes students on an educational journey, starting with...
Abyssinian cat looking at camera

Common Genetic Conditions in Pedigreed and Household Cats

Learn about genetic diseases commonly seen in pedigreed and household cats and what you can do to be proactive about your cat's health.
British shorthair kitten lounging on sofa

Understanding Feline Blood Types

Knowing your cat's blood type can help you keep your cat healthy during medical events, and plan your matings and care to keep your kittens safe in the postpartum period.  
Feline Parentage Explained

Feline Parentage Explained

Parentage testing is a highly accurate method of using DNA profiles to verify or exclude parent-offspring relationships to confirm pedigree for breeding cats.
Closeup of a cat nose and face

What Feline DNA Profiling Offers for Your Cattery

DNA profiling, sometimes called DNA fingerprinting or genetic ID, allows breeders and registries to permanently identify a cat using their unique DNA pattern, and is a necessary prerequisite to parentage analysis.